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Advertising Integrated Marketing Communications

Advertising Integrated Marketing Communications

Advertising Integrated Marketing Communications – Advertising is one of the integrated marketing communications tools. It is a non-personal and paid form of communication. It is one of the most effective forms of communication, where it reaches a mass audience at once within a short period. And also, it increments sales as well as makes awareness among purchasers. Therefore, advertisers must guarantee that the right message is conveyed correctly to the shoppers. The media utilized are print media, radio, bulletins, TV, and so forth.

Essential Keys of Integrated Marketing Communications Advertising

Essential Keys of Integrated Marketing Communications Advertising

  • Whenever they have created products and services, associations should impart the worth and benefits of the contributions to current and possible clients in both business-to-business and business-to-buyer markets.
  • Integrated marketing communications (IMC) give a methodology intended to convey one steady message to purchasers across an association’s promotions that might traverse various kinds of media — television, radio, magazines, the Web, cell phones, etc.
  • For instance, Campbell’s Soup Company ordinarily incorporates the “Mm, mm great” motto in the print ads it places in papers and magazines, ads on the Web, and advertisements on TV and radio.
  • A company’s ads should convey a predictable message regardless of whether contacting various audiences is bid. For instance, although the statements are the same, Campbell uses two varieties of plugs to target multiple consumers.

The Promotion Mix of Integrated Marketing Communications

Although the money associations spend advancing their contributions might go to various media channels, a company must send its clients and potential consumers a steady message (IMC).

The various marketing communications an association utilizes its advancement, or correspondence blend, comprise advertising, sales promotions, advertising and exposure, individual selling, and direct marketing.

Advertising includes paying to disperse a message that distinguishes a brand (item or administration). For example, an association is being high by too many individuals.

Traditional media associations use advertising to incorporate TV, magazines, papers, the Web, regular postal mail, and radio.

As we made sense, organizations likewise advertise via online entertainment like Facebook, web journals, Twitter, and cell phones. Every medium (TV, magazines, or cell phones) enjoys various benefits and disservices.

Advertising and the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Method

  • In this cluttered and divided media climate, just advertising in conventional media (or a blend of a couple of other limited-time devices).
  • It doesn’t empower advertisers to arrive at their target market. Along these lines, integrated marketing communications (IMC) are vital.
  • IMC includes strategic synchronization of different types of enticing correspondence programs with customers and possibilities over the long haul.
  • IMC aims to pass on a company’s marketing messages steadily and reasonably through various limited-time channels.
  • The most significant amount of errands for IMC is guaranteeing consistency in messages and executions so the target audience can eventually associate any execution to the brand.

Key Features:

Coverage of all primary communication tools, including new-age media such as the Internet, social media and mobile communication. Inclusion of latest trends and research in contact, such as TAM surveys. MIB regulations and ASCI decisions Exclusive sections on ‘Creative execution in advertising’ and ‘Presentation skills’ Indian orientation.

It is with numerous practical examples and case studies encompassing several industries and products, a Practical and hands-on approach without compromising on theoretical or managerial aspects. Rich pedagogical features include summaries, exercises, critical thinking questions, integrated case studies, instructors’ websites, etc.


Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications bring a perfect balance between theory and practice as well as planning and execution. The book introduces readers to integrated marketing communications and its primary tools, techniques and media, focusing on advertising.

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